Equine Cranial Bones

Equine Cranial Bones

equine craniosacral

The bones in the head or cranium are patched together by small ‘joints’ called sutures. These ‘joints’ slide into place, and adjust slightly as the body ‘breathes’. Whether it is literally the breath coming in and out through the nose… or the movement of blood, lymphatic or cerebral spinal fluid, these bones need the ability to ‘breathe’ and adjust slightly. Especially if there has been trauma, or swelling is present.

Just like many other areas in our body, we sometimes have stiff joints, that need a little help mobilizing and staying fluid. Cranial bones are prone to shearing or compaction. When cranial bones become stuck, stiff, or impacted, issues may arise. Horses can experience headaches, lack of concentration, irritation or even aggression that may be related to cranial bone distortions.

Another area that can become greatly impacted by cranial immobility is the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

The TMJ is where the temporal bone and mandible come together. It is one of the most highly innervated joints in the body. It has many fascial connections related to far spread areas of the body like the shoulders and hips. The brachiocephalic muscle inserts on the mastoid process of the temporal bone and has the ability to restrict mobility within the joint.

Problems in this joint can lead to uneven wear on teeth, problems chewing, a reluctancy to open the mouth, issues under saddle and more.

CranioSacral Therapy can help improve mobility for cranial bones and cerebrospinal fluid throughout the entirety of the spine, which greatly benefits the rest of the body.

TMJ Discomfort

TMJ Discomfort

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