What is Equine CranioSacral Therapy?

What is Equine CranioSacral Therapy?

What is Equine CranioSacral Therapy?

The concept of the CranioSacral system was developed by an osteopath named William Garner Sutherland in the early 1900’s. CranioSacral Therapy was further developed by Osteopath, John Upledger, and established in 1985. This type of therapy has been utilized on horses for the last several decades as well. The theory and application is the same just adapted to accomodate the anatomical structures of the horse.

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle form of 'bodywork that works with the craniosacral system.
CranioSacral Osteopathy assesses mobility of the cranial bones, sutures, and the sacrum.

What is the CranioSacral System?

This physiological system helps protect and assist the delicate tissues of our nervous system and is primarily found within and surrounding the brain and spinal cord. The ‘dura’ encases the brain and spinal cord and within it, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is present and circulating. Because of the location, and responsibility, it is intricately related to the bones of the cranium (head, face and mouth), delicate membranes, meninges, as well as the spinal cord (dural tube).

The CranioSacral Rhythm

With refined palpation skills, the pulsing, flow or rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be felt within the body. This rhythm is stronger within the skull and at the level of the sacrum. Cranial bones are joined together by ‘sutures’ and are designed to accomodate this expansion and contraction of fluid. By assessing the craniosacral rhythm, we can feel for areas of restriction that may be impeding proper flow within the system.

Therapy Techniques

There is much more to CST than caressing someones head or sacrum in your hands. It’s what you do with this rhythm that creates the therapeutic element.

Osteopathic Cranio-Sacral techniques assess the mobility of the bones in addition to the rhythm.

Some practitioners work on different levels within the Cranio-Sacral System, such as in the BioDynamic field (developed by James Jealous D.O.).

Benefits of CranioSacral Therapy for Horses

Horses tend to respond really well to CranioSacral work. This may be due to the fact that we are utilizing very gentle and feather-light pressure which allows for working below the horses ‘bracing response’.

As prey and herd animals, their first response to pressure or discomfort may be to move away from, or brace against it. However, when we are able to stay below the stimulation of that bracing response, the nervous system is able to relax rather than stand guard. Less is always more when it comes to the horse.

CranioSacral Therapy can be helpful for:

  • Cranial Restrictions, often seen as “asymmetry” in the cranial bones, eyes, nostrils

  • TMJ Issues

  • Sinus Issues

  • Weepy Eyes

  • Headshaking

  • Head Shy Horses or Ear Shy Horses

  • And much, much, more!

Types of Osteopathic Techniques & Treatments

Types of Osteopathic Techniques & Treatments

